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  • Advocacy


    Areas of Interest



  • Business Climate

    In order to drive investment, innovation, job growth and expansion, The Chamber seeks
    to strengthen our community’s long-term competitiveness by focusing on our strategic
    advantages. The Chamber will focus on providing access to ideas, opportunities, and
    solutions that grow innovation, foster entrepreneurship, boost small and midsize business
    growth, and create more collaborations with our educational partners.

  • Local Priorities

    Community groups across the region are collaborating on issues that may impact the
    Valley’s ability to be recognized as a prosperous business community. The Chamber will
    strive to work with our partners to advance these issues and ensure the business
    perspective is a part of the discussions.

  • Talent

    A highly-educated and skilled workforce is essential to attracting and retaining quality
    jobs in Perris. As the workforce evolves, it is more important than ever to improve the
    alignment between employee skills and the jobs our employers need to fill.

  • Regulation

    Only regulations that are absolutely necessary should be considered, and when
    developed, they must be done in a way that is fair, takes into account the views of
    businesses, and evaluates the impacts on jobs and businesses. The Chamber will strive
    to help businesses respond to, navigate, or implement new regulations effectively.
    With these priorities in place, it is also The Chamber’s intent to continue to lead,
    advocate, monitor, and inform members on the various issues affecting them
    day-to-day and continue to advance the principles we hold.